Arc System Works worried many a fan when it was said that they would be taking the “Street Fighter” route and going 2.5D with their next iteration of Guilty Gear. Many thought they would fail, especially after the poor reception many had to the initial graphics that Street Fighter IV presented. However, we were shocked and delighted when Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- revealed that it had made the transition to 2.5D while keeping the sole and look of a pure 2D fighter.
Now we have the next entry within the Xrd franchise with Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- which is furthering along the story of -SIGN- while simultaneously making some system changes and bringing both new and old characters to the fray.
Is this a worthy addition to the series that is worth the $60 price tag? Or is this simply a ploy to get the money from the series fans who are willing to support the franchise?
Getting Started!
There is no opening movie right off. You have to come to the start screen and then wait a few moments to play the opening for Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-.
You are greeted by the Main Menu. You have five options right off the bat, “Battle”, “Story”, “Collection”, “Store”(Was not open at the time of this review), and “Config”. Each one of these also contains sub-sections which have their own options. Not only this, but to the right you have the “Hot News” window. This contains current up-to-date information about what is going on with Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-.
It should also be noted that this game also uses a currency called “World Dollars” which can be used to buy in-game customizations items for your online profile, character colors and music, and even individualize your online avatar. World Dollars are earnable through various means through the game itself; by playing the tutorial, playing multiplayer matches, and even finishing story mode.
This game is made by Arc System Works and is released in the west by Aksys Games today on June 7th, 216. It is 9.3 GB in size and is a game where you can earn Trophies.
Tutorial Mode
It should be noted that Tutorial only teaches the very basics of Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-.
When you choose battle mode for the first time, you will be prompted with the game’s tutorial. New character “Jack-O” will be leading you through the tutorial by leading you through various exercises using her “servants”.
The tutorial in itself is a little bit more “interactive” than that of other fighting games I have played; which includes the lengthy and elaborate tutorials of BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend and Dead or Alive 5. This helps the player to actually go through the motions by actively putting things into their muscle memory versus just reading. I feel that interactivity helps in the processes of understanding the most basic of fighting game fundamentals.
The tutorial for movement was innovative and better than other fighters I have seen this far. They give you obstacles and objectives for learning how to control your movement rather than simply tell you to “go forward” or “dash backwards”. This was also used to help memorize the five buttons available for attacks — Punch (P), Kick (K), Slash (S), Heavy Slash (HS), and Dust (D) — so that a person quickly was able to instinctively know which one is the correct button using very little thought.
Intro into combos however, showed the failed part of this system. Learning to use the “Gattling” mechanic was not very efficient since it could be done individually for each button rather than altogether like it was supposed to demonstrate…or so I thought. They actually DO force players to attack within the correct order later on down this tutorial, demonstrating the importance of learning what will chain into what, but it should have been forced from the very beginning.
Overall, I think the basic tutorial mode is good for allowing people to learn the basic ideology of what Guilty Gear has as its button notations and how certain moves go into each other. This will help later on down the line once more advanced things are called into line.
It should also be noted that after you finish the seven Tutorial stages that you will have access to three “Mini Games”. The first mini games has you implementing all of your basics, but to an even higher degree. A prompt warns you of the difficulty, and you are forced to show your mastery of basic mechanics while trying to get the fastest score; the second mini game has you playing “the floor is lava” to practice jumping, air dashing, and aerial attacking. You also earn World Dollars dependent on your score; the last mini game has you utilizing your knowledge of -REVELATOR-. You are given three answers and must attack a Jack-O servant dependent on the correct response to the question given. There are also easter eggs in this, such as “George the 13th” (Rachel Alucard from BlazBlue’s familiar) being an answer option for “Who is Ramlethal’s familiar”? It should be noted that these responses can range from game menu knowledge to stage background characters. Pay attention!
Combo Mode
The “Combo” part of the Dojo is meant to help someone learn the specifics about each character. Unlike the tutorial mode which only goes over the basics and core mechanics of the game, Combo mode goes over the unique mechanic and properties that are unique to a specific character.
Combo mode features 3 core parts: Special Moves, Basic Combos, and Advanced Combos. Unlike some games which allow you to access all combo and special move tutorials from the onset, Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- makes it where you have to finish the current trial in order to move to the next one. I am both for and against this type of progression for this specific mode. I am for it because it rewards your effort by allowing you to move on, giving you a sense of satisfaction of completing that combo; yet I am simply against it because it will not allow you to see what is possible with your character if you have difficulty completing that trial.
Many will argue that these types of missions should not be as difficult, mainly because of the practical use of combos in actual situations versus the ideal situation. These types of trials are actually meant to give the user some idea of how their character connects and uses certain types of moves in order to make a combo. I feel that those who are not sure about this mode and feel these combos are too difficult to pull off consistently instead use the way that the combos are constructed to make your own in training mode.
I completed Jam Kuradoberi’s trial within their entirety, and it was incredibly difficult at times. Yet, I found that trials became easier the more I practiced them to the point where a lot of them are actual practical parts of how I play. Yet, I have also found combos that are better optimized in their damage output without such complex construction, and I have even found some trials which prove to be useless against certain characters (Such as Jam’s trial # on May, she is too short for it to work consistently). It all depends on what you are trying to get out of the mode; are you using combo mode to gain World Dollars, just to say you beat it, or to gain an idea of how your character plays?
Beating a trial is not without its rewards in-game, however. You gain 20,000W$ for completing all Special Moves, Basic Combos, and Advanced Combos for any specific character.
Mission Mode
Mission mode is described as, “Learn practical Knowledge that will help you in actual combat”, and that sums it up perfectly. You have two different modes, “Universal” and “Match-up”, which gives you knowledge and experience you can apply during actual combat situations with other players. Also, you do not have to “pass” a Mission to move on to the next one, effectively allowing you try everything in whatever order you want with no pressure. This makes more sense than Combat mode, simply because what is important here is the experience and knowledge and not how well you can do it (yet).
It should also be known that each of these missions are rated with the highest being “S”. You have to perform what they ask of you five times in succession. To achieve the highest rank and show your mastery over that particular task, you need to do so five times without fail.
The “Universal” section is about learning things that, while relevant to -REVELATOR-, also shows basic knowledge of fighting games to those that are completely unfamiliar with its concepts (there are 52 missions total). Things like “Pokes”, “Anti-Airs”, and “Throw Baits” are talked about and made known to the player. Even goes a step further to talk about how to avoid certain moves by using universal upper body invincibility options or exactly how to take advantage of the “Blitz Shield” ability. Also, while some of this information has to be done with certain characters of the game’s choosing, a lot of the more difficult missions allow you to pick your own character to figure out their particular counter to a situation; freedom of choice is definitely a plus. This is good for those who want to learn how to play fighters but have no idea how or where they can elevate their game. While particular lessons that focus on Guilty Gear’s mechanisms are only useful in -REVELATOR-, a large amount of information presented here will carry over into other fighters.
The “Match-Up” section is to show a player how to deal with particular moves and strategies from particular characters that they may have difficulty with later. This is essential in learning how to punish and anticipate techniques and moves that a lesser, more ignorant player might otherwise think is “cheap”, “unbalanced”, or “unbeatable”. It forces the player to come up with their own solutions to the problem. The knowledge the player will get from this particular section is invaluable when it comes to making decisions against an opponent. Punishing and countering moves is the key between a good and bad player, as someone who is ignorant of what an opponent is doing will allow them to get away with things that they should not.
Overall, Mission mode is something completely necessary for anyone who is basic to intermediate in fighters; It has something for everyone and shows those who are serious about learning -REVELATOR- the ropes they will need to survive when fighting higher tiered people. Bravo Arc System Works, you have outdid yourselves with this mode alone.
Training Mode
Training mode is what you would expect from a modern day fighter, it does not go out of its way to reinvent the wheel. It has a plethora of options in order to make sure that you are prepared for whatever situation that you find yourself in. It also has the options to display certain information while you are in the middle of practicing. However, what it does do that no other fighter does is give you the ability to view frequently asked questions via the “View FAQ” menu done by hitting the Triangle button.
You have many different options that you can pick from, which include the vitality levels for Player 1 and 2, Health regeneration, Tension, Psych Burst, Counter Hit, Block Staggering/Switching, Recovery, Stagger, and much more. You also have the ability to actually record actions to get even more specific. All of these options are outlined in a single menu, making it very easy and accessible to get to everything that you need to. Moreover, you have the “Display Settings” which affect what shows up while you are actively practicing. A few of the Display Settings options include “Enemy Status”, “Damage Info”, “Input History”, “Virtual stick”, and “Virtual stick’s position”.
The “View FAQ” includes questions like “Useful functions (Training)”, “How do I look at the screen?”, and “What kind of characters are there”. Each one also is composed of sub-sections which gives you more details regarding particular aspects of a certain question. This is good for people who need to know even more basic things in the game that is not covered by the game’s tutorial or mission modes (and this function is available elsewhere as well, not just training mode).
Training mode should be used to practice combos to perfection while optimizing them, figure out how to deal with certain moves or situations that you have encountering while playing online or in other modes, and to figure out where you are going wrong if your execution is off. Utilizing this mode is vital to having success with this game long-term.
M.O.M Mode
When first picking this mode, you will be given a prompt that says
“Players will fight using items in M.O.M. Mode. Here, you can select the initial set of items to bring into the battlefield. *Equipment not selected in this set can be purchased later.”
You will have two sets that you can choose from initially, the “Bomb Set” and the “Mortal Set”. The “Bomb Set” is the recommended set suggested by the game for beginner players and it “Includes bombs and buff items, useful in the earlier stages of the game”. The “Mortal Set” is suggested by the game for advanced players and “Includes Mortal Counter and guaranteed Crouch Hits”. While I consider myself to be more advanced than the average player when it comes to fighting games, I have actually not played a Guilty Gear game since I stopped becoming a button masher after learning Street Fighter IV in 2009. While I have played other Arc System Work and Aksys games (BlazBlue series is a mainstay), I decided to go with the “Bomb Set” initially.
The “Bomb Set” basically includes a list of either moves or items that you can use. Some of them include “Gun flame”, which is Sol Badguy’s special move which shoots out flames along the ground towards an opponent; and “Hammer” which features one of Faust’s random items which has the ability to stun opponents on counter hit. These items are assigned to the four cardinal directions which are activated in conjunction with the “SP” button (default assigned to the L2 shoulder button on the Playstation 4 controller).
Afterwards I was told to “Select Opponent. The prompt read, “In M.OM. Mode, you will select an opponent and stage in which to fight. Characters with the * or ** mark indicates there is a bonus stage afterwards. Rewards are abundant in nature in Bonus Stages so, it’s in your best interest to go after them!” Not only that, but after you defeat a certain number of enemies you will get another notification from the game, “*** Wanted Stage appeared! Completing a Wanted Stage will increase your “Class”which will give you access to new stages. Characters with the *** mark indicates a Wanted Stage, so be sure to check it out!” How many *** characters you defeat to advance your wanted level depends on the level you are currently at. For level one, you had to defeat three opponents, for level 2, seven opponents, etc.
There is also a store which features items that are buyable, known as “Briefing” an accessible by hitting the Triangle Button. These items cost “medals” which are earned as you play and defeat opponents in M.O.M. mode. Accessory and items each have their own set of requirements to use (HP items, Regeneration items, Magic items, etc),l and you must purchase one of the four orbs (Strength, Technique, Magic, and Spirit Score) in order to “level up” to meet those standards. You are also able to use this Briefing menu to sell and equip items. Also, once you hit “Class 2” and onwards, you can register a selected set of items and accessories as well as change to a preset you have made.
When you fight opponents, they have various attributes and items that they themselves possess. You are able to pick between the versions, which is helpful if you feel you will fare better against one than the other (such as one opponent who has more life but is weaker, or an opponent who has less life but takes a big combo to defeat because it auto regenerates as soon as the combo ends). You have to deplete your opponent’s life bar three times in order to win, with them dropping medals each time they lose a round. However, when your opponent is close to death on their final life bar, they will begin to turn red and will effectively explode if not defeated fast enough. Exploding opponents damage you if you are within range of their explosion, and it drops the rate at which you can acquire any item to 0%. You can easily circumvent having to worry about whether-or-not you can defeat your opponent by using a “Master Key”; Master Keys are items which cannot be bought (earned randomly) and have the ability to instantaneously defeat opponents who are counting down to explosion.
After playing the game for a while, it is easy to see that every opponent drops particular items. The first item is typically unique to that character and the second is usually the same no matter who you pick. The items that are dropped are completely random and will always switch after you fight and defeat or lose to an opponent. Also, nothing is ever guaranteed as they have a “drop percentage” on the side so you know the odds are acquiring that item if you are to successfully defeat an opponent.
To be quite honest, M.O.M. mode is fun because of the combinations that you get to use with your normal move. I was able to make Jam even more of a rush down character because I was able to combine her sweep with various other special moves which made it hard for the CPU to retaliate without me scoring a counter hit or them leaving block stun. So far, only a mirror match against a CPU Jam was able to punish some block strings because of the speed of her crouching normal, but they worked like a charm against the rest of the cast. This is very nice for occupying time and a pleasant deviation from the normalcy of the regular fighting system.
Episode MOde
Episode mode is your typical arcade mode, 8 stages in length. You are awarded for how well you do within this mode based on “badges”, which depict how you managed to clear each stages. Some examples are given in the picture above, including “Conservative – Won a round with maximum tension” and “Special – Won with a special attack”. Also, even though it reads, “Find out what happened days before the main story from each character’s perspective”, I did not really get that. I thought it would be something along the lines of BlazBlue (sorry I keep comparing them, I realize they are not the same game but they are made by the same company and feature a number of similar style characters and fighting mechanics) but it was more-or-less just a typical arcade mode…except it also was not.
When I first played through Episode mode, I did so with the character I plan to main, Jam Kuradoberi. I played through the entirety of Episode mode, all 8 stages, without ever getting a single cuts scene or anything regarding or background. I was disappointed because I wanted to finish all of the characters before I advanced to the Story mode. This led me to believe that this mode was rather useless, although, after finishing Story I came back to it and discovered something.
Episode mode is made for those characters that have a significant impact within Story. While my character, Jam Kuradoberi, did appear in the story, she was not play a very impactful part whatsoever. Jam acted more-or-less like a side character within the grand scheme of things, and her appearance might have been justification to have her as a newcomer to Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-. However, I found something very different when I used Sol.
When I played through Episode as Sol Badguy, I found that there were multiple stages that featured cutscenes, which also included after you defeated your final opponent on the 8th stage. Meaning that, while all stages are typically random, the few that do spark cutscenes and show what happened before the main story are all scripted. So this was a nice change of pace, but also shows that not everyone was given equal treatment when it came to this mode, which is quite unfortunate.
At the end of Episode mode, you are greeted with credits. You are also greeted by your overall score which is determined by how many badges you got per stage because of your performance. You are also given some World Dollars for completing the mode, along with a bonus character color.
To be honest, I wish that this featured cutscenes for every character. Jam did not get much screen time to show her skills during the Story, so it would have been nice to get some more insight on what goes through her head with Episode. I feel like, despite everything, they dropped the ball by not giving equal access to everyone during this mode. While it is certainly not big (especially since she did not play a vital role to the main story elements), it would have been greatly appreciated.
Story Mode
NOTE – For anyone who has NOT watched the Story mode for Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Arc System Works has uploaded the full story mode to their YouTube.
This picks up exactly where Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- left off. Also, for those of you who are worried about understanding what is going on in -REVELATOR- if you have not gotten a chance to view -SIGN-’s story, you do not have to worry. Once you start up Story, you will be welcomed by a recap of everything that occurred during -SIGN-. This will help you understanding the present situation that the characters are currently in without having to go back and buy the previous game or watch a playthrough.
The Story mode for Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- is not like BlazBlue’s. There are no specific character stories you have to go through, there are no branching paths, and there are no different endings. What you have is essentially a 3D anime that you can watch. The reason I refer to it as a “3D anime” is that Guilty Gear Xrd’s visuals are an updated design of its old 2D sprites and artistry. The very same character animations we see in the opening, battle cinematics, and characters themselves are used here.
It should be noted that the Story is actually good. It has you questioning certain things because of ideals imposed both for and against what appears to be “righteous” by our protagonists. We understand the plot and reasoning of the antagonist and can empathize with her, while simultaneously believing how they are going about it is wrong. However, this can be quite difficult to interpret by those who are not paying very close attention and those who are not great at inferring. The way that the story is presented, rather, the way it is told is extremely convoluted. The best way I can describe it is Metal Gear Solid in its nature to make sense, but be perplexing the first time you come across it.
Also, “GG World” is an option selectable from the Story sub-section. It is basically a glossary containing terms and character descriptions for all those that roam within the world of Guilty Gear. Not to mention there are also some descriptions featuring characters that have not appeared within the story thus far and have not returned, such as A.B.A. At first, all of the terms are not selectable and have “???” in their place. Once you begin to discover the story, more terms are able to be viewed and read that gives greater description to what the characters are talking about. It should also be noted that if a term appears in yellow during the subtitles in Story, that you will be able to push Triangle on the controller in order to bring up a box which displays the meaning from the GG World glossary.
Completing story modes gives you 50,000W$. They also say “congratulations on completing the NEW STORY MODE and it hands out another 50,000W$. So in all, just from watching Story mode and seeing the events unfold, I was greeted with 100,000W$. For those who are looking to really earn their World Dollars quickly, watching the entirety of the story is a good way to do so while simultaneously allowing you to understand what is going on with this insane fighter.
Collection features four sub-menus that each have their own functions. The four sub-menus are “Edit”, “Replay”, “Gallery”, and “Fishing”.
Edit happens to deal with changing the information on your online profile, known as the “R-Card”. You can adjust your Icon, Plate, the time of day you are most active, Title (three different sections that you can pick a title for you spell out a specific word or phrase), and a comment you can input yourself. This is to better express yourself online and to stand out from others. It should also be known that you can spend your World Dollars in order to buy custom Icons and Plates.
Something else in edit is the ability to customize your online avatar you will be using in multiplayer rooms and lobbies. However, you can only change the head or body to those that you have acquired by “Fishing”.
Replay is where you can view previous matches and manage them. You can filter by characters, modes, and even friends. While you are viewing them, you are given a multitude of options. Pausing, toggling the HUD, input history for either characters, the ability to skip the rounds, and to toggle the camera. These options are perfect if you are someone who wants to figure out where you are going wrong, execution wise, and can even be useful if you think your opponent is cheating in some sort of way. Something else is that it does not look like a replay, meaning that it is very easy to not tell it was a live match in case you wanted to record it for later.
Gallery is a place to view various things; sound clips, art work, movie scenes, and even view the different openings for the arcade. Also, this is a place to spend those hard earned World Dollars with a plethora of buyable media which includes those things I mentioned earlier. This also has the extra character “Raven” for 200,000W$ and character colors for 10,000$ (20,000$W if you want all the buyable colors for a character. You can purchase colors No.7 – 11 and then No. 12 – 16). It should also be noted that various music from previous games, such as Ky’s old theme “Be Just or Be Dead (Holy Orders)” can be purchased here as well.
Fishing is nothing more than taking your customized avatar to a small river and using your World Dollars to get random-number-generated (RNG) items. There is a possibility of you getting the same one as well. You are able to fish a single time for 200W$ or you can fish 10 at once for 2000W$. You are able to get different things from fishing; character colors, guild icons, background music, gallery voices/illustrations, and much more.
Online Mode
Online is where you can test your mettle against players within your local nation or around the world. You have the ability from the beginning to change your region and view the rankings. If you are looking to
Rankings show where people are placed in specific modes; M.O.M., Risk Rating, Consecutive Wins, Ranked Wins, etc. You are also able to filter out whether-or-not you see everyone or just yourself. You can also view a players R-Card to see all of the information regarding them.
Players R-Card’s are able to show you their overall statistics and prowess when it comes to the game. You are able to see their battle log (which includes their wins and losses), their medals, how they fare against particular characters while using a certain character, etc. You are able to gain greater insight to a player before you go up against them in a Player Match or sit next to them; this allows you to work against characters you need help on or to avoid someone who you feel may be skilled higher or lower than you are wanting to play.
Region allows you to play those who may be closer to you in order to get the best connection possible. The possible regions you have to choose from are Asia, North America 1 and 2, and Europe. Within these regions are further sub-sections which are divided dependent on where the person are (Ex. They have North America 1 and 2 split into 2 different sections for East and West, and further divide them into sections dependent where you are within that region; such as Southwest and District 1A).
NOTE – You will find that if you live in North America, the “main server” most people play on is typically found in District 1A (New England).
Each specific region is a lobby where up to 64 people can occupy it at once. You can send messages to players from here, go to one of the unoccupied arcade cabinets and await for someone to challenge you, or you can simply fish. You can also create your own private room with certain criteria in order to enter, or you can make it protected so only those you choose can gain access.
While within a lobby you can also select options. These options include your Emoticons, Auto Messages (for when entering rooms, leaving, winning, losing, etc.), View R-Code, Character Select, and a few others. These are small little additions that can help you shape the online experience to your liking. They are minute, but just having the ability to utilize them makes for a big difference. There is also a quick access menu which allows you to quickly open the chat, use character emoticons, as well as quote characters.
Something else that should be noted is that you are able to actually play other game modes while you are in an online lobby. You are able to view the Story, play M.O.M. mode, Combo mode, and any other number of things while you are online. Most people typically seem to hangout here while they are doing any number of things and not necessarily looking to play a Player or Ranked match.
Player vs Player
Something you first need to know is that you will have to select a character, their color, and a background stage. Whenever you start up a match with someone, be it a player match or ranked match, you will be defaulted to the character you have chosen (stage and music if it picks you at random). It is important that you set this in order to make sure you get who you want.
It should be noted that you have the ability to search for players in Player and Ranked Match by their Rank, Connection, System, and matches played. This will help customize the experience even more by allowing you to get the ideal matches with the ideal players. Also, if you are in a lobby and waiting to play against others, the ability to see their characters and life bars while they are at an arcade cabinet is an easy way to tell who is winning and losing. If you are in a private room, you can easily wait in line and spectate matches as well.
It should be noted that, while I was able to get in players matches rather easily, I was not able to find many rank matches with a good connection. While you are given 10 matches to evaluate which rank you belong in, I was only able to get in a single match. All of my other options had connections between 0 – 2 in their options. If I did ever find a match that was 3 or above, it had a habit of not being able to connect me to the match. Not only this, but you had to pick who you fought against with Rank every single time rather than the game randomly pairing you up with players, this means that a potential to “boost” your rank is present.
Eventually I was able to get in all 10 matches (I was ranked as a “12”) and I was able to more frequently find rooms where I could connect with a decent rating. However, this was only because I assume more people were comfortable enough after training to go into to Ranked with their characters and that you are able to easily enter a room if you try to connect immediately after finding them (primarily so that no one gets there before you). I think that this system is heavily flawed because you can always AVOID those players who are better than you and merely pick on the same ones over and over if they are willing to fight you.
Something that is helpful is you are told exactly what your delay is in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to show how good or bad the connection is. This is helpful since you are able to determine exactly what to expect ahead of time and how long it will take you to plan your moves out. You will want to avoid playing players who have high delay.
Store — DLC and Downloadable Content
The downloadable content present within the store features a few things. Character colors, Avatar sets (online lobbies), Newcomer characters, and System voices.
System voices (as far as I can tell), are able to be acquired through the use of “Fishing”. This alternative seems to only be for those who are impatient and cannot wait to get what they want. Always a viable option for those who do not have enough time to get what they need but still love the game. They sell for $1.99.
Newcomer characters, Raven and Kum Haehyun, are also available for purchase. They are free for the first week to those who purchased -REVELATOR- right off the bat. Also, while Dizzy is upcoming DLC, she is not present within the store and is currently not obtainable in game. Those who are awaiting her release should standby for further details in the upcoming weeks.
The character colors that are purchasable here are not obtainable in-game I believe. They feature five new colors per character. However, the “Eclipse” color pack is free and is for every single character in the game. Be sure to take advantage of this and download it! All purchasable color packs are $0.99
The avatar sets are for some secondary characters found within the game. I do not believe these are obtainable through “Fishing”, as I believe you can only obtain characters that are playable in versus mode (or will be). Anyone who is found of the background characters Dr. Paradigm, Gabriel, and April can buy them for (Jack-O is also purchasable for the same price, but I believe you can get her in-game). For whosoever wants them, they are $0.99 per avatar.
The Verdict
STRENGTHS – Beautiful original graphics, M.O.M. is enough to keep you busy offline, Best fighting game tutorial ever with Mission mode, GG World is an in-game glossary to help you learn all about Guilty Gear’s world.
WEAKNESSES – Story mode is convoluted and can be hard to understand, Ranked matchmaking needs an overhaul.
Arc System Works did a hell of a job with Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-. Everything about this game seems to have been done with careful consideration on the part of the developers. Characters are completely unique to anything else in other fighters and giving us week one DLC for free is great; the story mode was good, and there are enough things to keep you busy if you do not have access to the game. Online has a multitude of options and customization to keep it fresh from the normalcy of today’s online lobbies. Even though I hated the Ranked system, it was still functional.
The World Dollars system is outstanding. There are so many ways to actually earn W$ while simultaneously having loads of things to unlock to customize your experience. Truly, this is something that Street Fighter V could learn from. This was well thought out and also well executed; bravo.
-REVELATOR- stands as one of the well-presented fighting games to date. It has graphics on par with Street Fighter V with the multitude of content that The King of Fighters XIV is promising to have. This is a game that is a MUST HAVE if you are a fan of fighting games. Trust me, by purchasing this game you will not regret that decision.
Thank you for reading my detailed review of Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-!
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