Netflix has revealed the Opening Credits for the upcoming series “DEVIL MAY CRY” based on the hit Hack n’ Slash franchise from CAPCOM!
Category Archives: Gaming
【Ninja Gaiden 4】Announce Trailer & Impressions

Team Ninja has announced Ninja Gaiden 4 at Xbox’s Developer Direct. Get the trailer and my opinions here.
【GGST:Dual Rulers】Main PV & Impressions

The main trailer for the upcoming anime GUILTY GEAR STRIVE: DUAL RULERS is here! Get it and my impressions inside!
【GBVSR】Sandalphon Gameplay Trailer & Impressions

Sandalphon, The Primarch of Promises finally joins Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising! Get the trailer and my impressions on the character to jump start GBVSR Ver. 2.0!!!
【SF6】Mai Shiranui Gameplay Trailer Impressions

Mai Shiranui’s Official Gameplay Trailer is here! Let’s see what the fire-based Kunoichi does in Street Fighter 6!
【FFCotW】Gato Gameplay Trailer

A returning veteran, Gato, gets his official gameplay trailer for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves!
【ZZZero】Asaba & Miyabi Combat Intel Impressions

Gameplay has been shown for Asaba and Miyabi; get my impressions on what we see from these two members of Section 6!