The Division greeted us with a trailer for their newest update, “1.2: Conflict”. This trailer told us about all the new features and the new Incursion that is on its way to The Division, and a new feature that they have named, “Hijack Extraction”. How they have described it is;
“Dark Zone extractions just became even more intense. Interrupt ongoing extractions by cutting the rope to have all the loop drop to the ground. Protect your loot at all costs!”
Excuse me, what?! This is moronic. Hit the jump to find out my feelings on the subject and why this is a horrendous move by Ubisoft that may deter players from giving The Division another try even more.
[ Yet Another Stupid Feature ]
Everyone knows that The Division has been on shaky ice with players ever since it first launched. From players standing in the doorways and doing jumping-jacks to block new people from being able to enter or exit the first area, to people exploiting respawning bosses to gain access to Phoenix Credits and High-End Gear. When the first expansion dropped, even more problems came from people finding glitches to easily complete “Falcon Lost”. Not to mention other problems, such as damage mitigation from elite enemies actually doing the opposite and multiplying the damage, while only submachine guns and marksman rifles remain king as the only viable options…now you introduce an even worse feature on top of that.
Solo players have complained about The Division’s Dark Zone from the beginning. They were worried about running across four-player bands of high level rogue agents who would gun down anyone with no fear or repercussions (mainly due to the absurdness of the Survivor Link ability coupled with uneven odds from exploiters versus honest players). Even when me and my group of four were trying to extract or just walking around, we would get attacked by players who were incredibly difficult to take down (even if it was just one versus four), due to the overwhelming advantages of their gear advantages due to taking advantage of The Division’s system vulnerabilities. However, even with all of the nonsense occurring, we were able to extract some good loot by being able to pop Survivor Link and lasting just long enough for us to get all of our gear onto the helicopter, and it seems that we will not even be saved by that now.
Hijack Extraction means that your gear is not safe until the helicopter pulls off; that even if you are able to place all of your gear onto the rope to leave the Dark Zone, that it can easily be dropped back down to the ground. This means that the minute and a half you wait for the helicopter now includes the added time it takes for the helicopter to leave, meaning that if you do not have a full group who can put their loot onto the helicopter so it leaves immediately, you are at a massive disadvantage. Rogue players who pop out of nowhere to ambush agents putting their gear on the line now can still make off with their loot if they manage to kill them after they have secured it; running away with it while the victims must exit the Safe House or a Dark Zone checkpoint to hunt down the ones who cut their line. This means that those who are geared for the Dark Zone will have an easier time taking things from players, while those who are not built for Player vs Player combat will be even less likely to play the game. Also, this means that those who have exploited to get themselves at a level above the average player have gained that much more of an edge over honest gamers. Ridiculous.
Honestly, I have not touched The Division since about a week and a half since their first update dropped which added the very first Incursion. I do not see myself going back, which is a shame since I had such high hopes for this game years prior to its release. While many complained over Destiny’s lack of content and repetition and grind, we get that plus game-breaking and advantage shaping exploits with The Division, and I am not about to put up with it. Honestly, this game had so much promise but the more that Ubisoft attempts to add in new and appealing features, the more things are off putting to players like myself, thankfully I did not buy the season pass.
The Division was NEVER designed around solo play. If you go into the DZ and get worked over by Rogue Agents, that's on you. The DZ is lawless, it's been advertised as such from day damn one. Afraid someone will steal your loot? Stay your ass out of the dark zone. Stop whining, squad the f**k up and take the fight back to the rogues. If you need better gear, go f'ing get it.
That isn't the real problem that I was stressing in the article. Single-Players do have problems, but it was always built around teams. Though, what really hurts is the exploits.
The Division has had a steady stream of exploitable glitches that people have taken advantage of. It has made such a huge different than those who play honestly cannot even hope to match those who have exploited. Until that is addressed it will forever be unbalanced.
I agree it is the darkzone it is not fair but you were told from the jump. Just grind it out and in time you can handle the rouges not every game need to be easy
Honestly, it's not about it being easy or hard, it's about it being fair. We need a way to even the ground against people who have exploited their way to having their ideal gearset.
You people need to understand this game has been exploited to hell and back. The majority of griefers in this game are not on even ground with the rest of us because of how much they have taken advantage of every possible exploit and geares beyond what any player can achieve in this time frame.
Not to mention the PC version is a hack fest.
That's what I've been trying to stress to them myself.
The fact is, whenever loot dropped equally in all zones, me and my friends could go to DZ06 and not have to worry about Rogues. Now that all the good stuff drops in higher zones, you have to worry about them EVERYWHERE.
Not to mention now that you are able to cut down extractions, it means that you will have an even harder time making it.
You said you haven't played since a week after the first expansion dropped. Then why dafuc are you writing an article about a game you don't play. The crybaby is strong with this one. The advantages that people gained by exploiting the incursion are minimal at the most. If I'm ever in the DZ solo, I stay away from groups. I don't stay at an extraction zone if a group of 4 rocks up and then whine when I get killed. Seriously, stop using the fact that some people exploited the incursion for higher level gear as an excuse to why you get wrecked. I have a 163 SMG that is better than any 204 weapon I have.
Did someone call a whaambulance? Because, here it comes. The people who glitch in this game are some of the worst players, as they have no real pvp combat experience,don't mistake first shot advantage with skill. So, if they drop you, that's on you for not covering your six. More often than not I'll find some kid, with a rogue status, holed up in a conex box he glitched into. That's fine, sticky bomb pops them right out. They are so freaked out by it they don't know how to react, which results in free xp, keys, and credits.
Gear score means nothing. I've played in both dz brackets, high and low. And, the quality of the players is pretty much the same between the two. Of course you occasionally come across someone with a gs of 86 or so, and I always accept their invites. I know that their low gs will draw rogues, which always results in more free xp, keys, and credits.
I guess what I'm try to say is, "git gud." Find a group that helps you grow as a gamer. Use matchmaker, it works, I know it works, I've seen it work. But, if you insist on running solo, try using some critical thinking, problem solving, and common sense.
If anyone needs help my group is always willing to run through the incursion, and give the gear away. If you need a team to run the dz with, we do that too. I'm on xbox one, so if you want to play just leave your gamer tag and I'll message you.
One last thing. .. I can't wait to cut the rope, and I can't wait for someone to try and cut my rope. Until then, happy hunting.
Dude – git gud and stop your whinging! Maybe next time don't stop playing so you won't be a noob! What a moron.
Fair? Are we in 2nd grade and need participation trophies? If you don't like a challenge go play Minecraft! Tired of all these whiny people wanting to water down games to make them easy or so everybody can be equal.
Dude they have matchmaking… It sounds like your whining honestly.
Thats why the darkzone is PVP. You can buy good gear from the B.O.O. Just get better.
Dude, the darkzone attracted me because it is thrilling to be weak and under threat and survive, get away from "bad guys" wihh your loot. It is also thrilling to BE a "bad guy". I was weak. I died a lot in the beginning, and then i got better, i got smarter, and i found better stuff. This game is a grind sure, its "unfair" sure. It has many bugs sure, but if you enjoy the core….quit fuckin' whining. My squad kept glitching assholes in the wall so long hey begged us to leave then alone. You want to take it to cheaters, screen shot the cheating assholes inside the wall and file an ubisoft complaint ticket. You sound like one of those yelp "foodies" who hasnt been out of their home country and doesnt know how to use chopsticks or know the difference between real truffle and truffle oil.
I actually enjoy the thrill and difficulty of the DZ. In a way it makes the rest of the game easier because you are prepared. I'm not a Rogue and I still enjoy the DZ. Actaully, the Rogues help me out a lot of the time. Special shout out to Rogue Agent Princess Nakita and her group of Rogues. My tag is poisnOuSnUt2014, I'll play with
Exactly man I agree with 47, that's how I thought the extractions were going to work in the first place I was dissapointed when it wasn't don't get me wrong I get super fuse rated sometimes but it is part of the game, I mean I exploited the falcon lost mission one time n got some measly tactician knee pads that I don't use any more other than that I earned grinding how your supposed to and I go in solo all the time n can hold my own if I'm really trying to extract now with my team we rock shit in the DZ, and we don't cheat! It's what the games all about Rouge Life baby!! Get with it or get out like you said. You have a biased opinion cause you probable suck at this game. Thank hAve a good day.
Exactly man I agree with 47, that's how I thought the extractions were going to work in the first place I was dissapointed when it wasn't don't get me wrong I get super fuse rated sometimes but it is part of the game, I mean I exploited the falcon lost mission one time n got some measly tactician knee pads that I don't use any more other than that I earned grinding how your supposed to and I go in solo all the time n can hold my own if I'm really trying to extract now with my team we rock shit in the DZ, and we don't cheat! It's what the games all about Rouge Life baby!! Get with it or get out like you said. You have a biased opinion cause you probable suck at this game. Thank hAve a good day.
This whole article just sounds like WAHHHH to me. Dark Zone is a huge challenge to peeps that run solo. Enter at your own risk. Exploits aren't big deal if Ubisoft adds more brackets into the Dark Zone (which they said they would with 1.2).
Dark Zone was not created for casual gamers. It's not made for everyone. Be smart and group up and quit your belly achin!
I like the idea of the rope cutting but it all depends on how Ubisoft handles it. I feel if someone is attempting to cut down my loot they should automatically be marked as rogue, because I shouldn't be marked as rogue trying to stop them from taking it. That would be idiotic. Other than that, I'm fine. The dark zone was meant to be a anything goes kind of place…you can cry about it or get better and get revenge…I chose the latter.
They confirmed they will go rogue as soon as they interact with the rope and being shot takes the progress backwards so if you just pay attention you can kill them before they are able to cut the rope. Watching the stream a little over 4 hours ago they showed this and the guy cutting the rope had to have the guys stop shooting him so he could complete it for the demo. He would have died at about 50% – 60% of the rope being cut.
Ubisoft is just the publisher if, if you're pissed at the feature blame the ones who coded it: Massive.
A challenge is fine, playing with 15 year old D-bags constantly gets a little tiring.
I gave it up about a week ago, Been at it since mod March and have to agree. Let down after let down. The 161 is a joke with players that have had complete sets of 240 since day 1 of Incurrsion, glitched it raw. Its barley rewarding even when you get a bare server. The PVE is monotonous and boring. The only thing worth it at all is the map and engine (its pretty) game has about 30-45 days of appeal and then its gone.
I gave it up about a week ago, Been at it since mod March and have to agree. Let down after let down. The 161 is a joke with players that have had complete sets of 240 since day 1 of Incurrsion, glitched it raw. Its barley rewarding even when you get a bare server. The PVE is monotonous and boring. The only thing worth it at all is the map and engine (its pretty) game has about 30-45 days of appeal and then its gone.
The rope cutting is pointless. On the live stream yesterday they showed it in action. It takes too long and you go rogue as soon as you start. Then you need to pick up all the loot and call another extraction. This means everyone will be on your ass. I do like the new bounties and better gear dropping across all activities.
He isn't whining, the game is shit. What happened to some good old gaming skills to win instead of players who play 500 hours of the game to become basically invincible to lower level guys… Stupid, and get a life
The matchmaking system is pathetic and useless thanks to people and kids that quit or go afk mid mission and screw me out of pheonix credits.
The matchmaking system is pathetic and useless thanks to people and kids that quit or go afk mid mission and screw me out of pheonix credits.
I think posting such a high level for players in the dz is what is making every1 so mad. Perhaps they should have just maxxed it at 50 to start with. There is no fun being in a squad of guys who have just got into the DZ and get whacked by 1 guy cause hes maxxed out. The DZ cap was just to high. Stopped playing this game already because cant level in DZ anymore. Too many high level rogues. So heres what you do…Don't give them anymore money. That's how I deal with it. I believe if it had been capped at 50, it would have been better. So long Division
Rope cutting has officially ended my dark zone play. It's the dumbest thing ever. I won't be going back in the dark zone until they take it off. If they never do I'm done playing the game.
Has no one noticed how the dev's have fixed the inequality for those who want to play within the rules? I play solo in the DZ on PC, so yeah, I saw plenty of hackers. Then the ban waves hit and it was clean. While they were banned, they released the blueprints's to the two arguably best weapons in the game. Now the loot drops are crazy good. So for those who play, rather than whine, they have got good gear and good weapons and the blueprints to keep rolling for their perfect build weapon. I have as good of gear as the hackers and access to better weapons. The next big step is getting the weapon balancing patch right. No "Sentry's Call" OP screw ups. Just each weapon best in class for a specific ranges and scenarios. Make people think and strategize when choosing which weapon . It's way better than people are saying, you just can't run and gun without thinking.
Has no one noticed how the dev's have fixed the inequality for those who want to play within the rules? I play solo in the DZ on PC, so yeah, I saw plenty of hackers. Then the ban waves hit and it was clean. While they were banned, they released the blueprints's to the two arguably best weapons in the game. Now the loot drops are crazy good. So for those who play, rather than whine, they have got good gear and good weapons and the blueprints to keep rolling for their perfect build weapon. I have as good of gear as the hackers and access to better weapons. The next big step is getting the weapon balancing patch right. No "Sentry's Call" OP screw ups. Just each weapon best in class for a specific ranges and scenarios. Make people think and strategize when choosing which weapon . It's way better than people are saying, you just can't run and gun without thinking.
Yup. Im pretty much done with this game. It has been a broken game from the get go. I too high hopes for this game but the game just suks now. Massive took its sweet time trying to fix the game and made it worst. This is the first and last massive game Ill invest time and money into.
O well. Time to play Overwatch!
Wow, what an asswipe you are, you sound like one of the backstabbing jackasses that don't like an even playing field …cause you suck
It seems to me that those who are saying YOU Suck are the ones not following the rules and the game should be open and fair not allowing rogue factions to run wild without consequence. Suspend them for such infringements and let the honest players play properly.