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Megadimension Neptunia VII: First English Screenshots!

Posted November 27th, 2015

Megadimension Neptunia VII is the first game within the Hyperdimension Neptunia series to be on the Playstation 4.  Megadimension Neptunia VII will only be available for the Playstation 4 in both digital and physical formats while being schedule for a early 2016 release.  The game will be available in Europe and North America. This installment features new characters, […]

WCW: Esdeath

Posted November 26th, 2015

Beautiful, ruthless, and someone who treasures strength above all else perfectly sums up Esdeath.  Esdeath happens to be the “Final Boss” of the anime Akame ga Kill, so to speak.  She possesses power that is unparalleled to most since her Imperial Arms, Demon God Manifestation: Demon’s Extract, gives her the unique ability to be able […]

My Disappointment with Killer Instinct for the Xbox One

Posted November 25th, 2015

K iller Instinct is one of my favorite fighting game series of all-time.  I use to play Killer Instinct Gold for the Nintendo 64 all the time when I was younger, however, the fact that we had not seen a new iteration into the series after so many years left me disappointed and with little […]

Ray Gigant coming to North America and Europe in Spring 2016

Posted November 20th, 2015

Ray Gigant is finally coming to the west!  It will be released digitally for the Playstation Vita with Playstation TV capability in both North American an European markets in Spring 2016.  Acttil has announced that this dungeon crawling JRPG will have Japanese voice overs with English subtitles as well. Ray Gigant will also reveal each of […]

1st Episode Impressions: RWBY Volume 3

Posted November 19th, 2015

RWBY is the tale of Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Shao-Long, and Blake Belladonna.  They are huntresses-in-training, powerful defenders of their world from the evil forces that would seek to destroy it.  Volume 2 ended on a cliffhanger high note, many suspenseful things already being expected from the finale.  However, things are uncertain for Volume […]