Megadimension Neptunia VII is the first game within the Hyperdimension Neptunia series to be on the Playstation 4. Megadimension Neptunia VII will only be available for the Playstation 4 in both digital and physical formats while being schedule for a early 2016 release. The game will be available in Europe and North America. This installment features new characters, […]
Category Archives: Japanese Role-Playing Game
Ray Gigant coming to North America and Europe in Spring 2016
Ray Gigant is finally coming to the west! It will be released digitally for the Playstation Vita with Playstation TV capability in both North American an European markets in Spring 2016. Acttil has announced that this dungeon crawling JRPG will have Japanese voice overs with English subtitles as well. Ray Gigant will also reveal each of […]
Megadimension Neptunia VII Coming in Early 2016
Megadimension Neptunia VII is going to be the first game within the Hyperdimension Neptunia series to appear on the Playstation 4. This game comes to both North America and Europe in early 2016, and it will be in both digital and physical formats. This installment is going to feature three new stories with three new worlds to […]
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance Screenshots and Trailer
Disgaea, the widely popular Japanese Role-Playing Game is coming back for its sixth console game iteration with Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance for the Playstation 4. We can expect it to come to the west in both digital and physical formats. North America will get this game on October 6th while it arrives three days later […]
Omega Quintet Gets New Screenshots and “PVS” Trailer
Omega Quintet has a new batch of screenshots featuring some of the larger enemies that players will be facing within the game, seven in total. Not only that, but I have also embedded a clip titled “Inchoate Voice” which shows off the game’s PVS system in action, otherwise known as “Promotional Video System”. After the […]
Lost Dimension Makes its Way to the Americas
Atlus is now bringing over another Tactical Japanese Role-Playing Game by the name of “Lost Dimension“, a game where you supposedly have psychic powers and must stop an evil entity known as “The End” while simultaneously eliminating traitors in your group by erasing their existence. Sounds pretty interesting, does it not? You can find a […]
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight Announced
Announced as an exclusive for the Nintendo 3DS is Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight. This is a Japanese Role-Playing Game slated for release in the summer of this year. If you are interested in exactly what the game entails, want to see the debut trailer for the game, and if you are interested […]