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Kane Blueriver – Interview with a Mahvel GOD

Posted August 31st, 2016

Kane Blueriver is a household name within the fighting game community, many knowing of his achievements within the Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 community.  I managed to catch up with him over social media and was lucky enough to snag an interview with the prominent player. After the jump you will catch the 16 questions I […]

1st Episode Impressions – sweetness and lightning

Posted August 30th, 2016

1st Episode Impressions is an article series which focuses on the very first episode of any particular anime.  Mainly whether-or-not it is able to grasp my attention from the very beginning due to the way it introduces itself.  Also, it acts as a comparison point for my final review of that anime or season. I […]

Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test 1 – A Disappointment

Posted August 25th, 2016

When I first laid my eyes on Titanfall’s debut trailer, I was left with my mouth gaped in absolute awe.  I had wanted a game that embodied the true spirit of giant mech combat while not being limited to being exclusively inside one, like Armored Core.  I bought my Xbox One just to play Titanfall […]

The King of Fighters XIV Review (PS4)

Posted August 22nd, 2016

The King of Fighters XIV is the next iteration within the famed SNK series that is renowned and loved around the world.  Their previous title, The King of Fighters XIII, was a brilliant game whose flame died too early, mainly because of the difficult execution, abysmal netcode, and dwindling player base because of these two reasons. […]

Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- – Only Getting Better

Posted August 18th, 2016

You all know from my previous article how devout I have been to Arc System Work’s Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-.  I am dedicated to becoming one of the best Elphelt Valentine mains and I have currently been doing a lot better.  This article is set to outline exactly why I am feeling more that way […]

Dedication and Peserverance – Guilty Gear Xrd -REVEALTOR-

Posted August 9th, 2016

Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- came out only a few months ago, the latest iteration of Arc System Works’ famed fighting game series known as “Guilty Gear”.  -REVELATOR- comes after Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- and provided some tweak and balance changes, but still very familiar for those who played -SIGN-…yet I did not have a Playstation […]