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【Anime Review】 Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
【GBFR】Why I Dropped Id for Seofon
【GGST】Slayer Reveal Trailer
【Elden Ring】Sellen’s Questline Broke My Heart
Rise of the VTuber
【KOFXV】Ángel Character Trailer
【Anime Review】 Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

By RoK the Reaper | May 16, 2024 | Anime Movie | 0

【GBFR】Why I Dropped Id for Seofon

By RoK the Reaper | May 12, 2024 | Cygames | 0

【GGST】Slayer Reveal Trailer

By RoK the Reaper | May 11, 2024 | Fighting Games Community (FGC) | 0

【Elden Ring】Sellen’s Questline Broke My Heart

By RoK the Reaper | April 17, 2022 | April 2022 | 0

Rise of the VTuber

By RoK the Reaper | December 3, 2021 | Anime Editorials | 0

【KOFXV】Ángel Character Trailer

By RoK the Reaper | November 27, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0

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Coming back with more content and bigger style!

Posted October 5th, 2011

Gone for a long, long time, I’m finally back and I’m better than ever!  I want everyone to know that I plan on posting a lot more regularly here on my gaming blog.  That means more anime, manga, and gaming reviews; including editorials.  I also plan on discussing videos I upload and what was going […]

Street Fighter X TEKKEN: Let the Hype Begin!

Posted April 20th, 2011

When it was first announced that we would have Street Fighter X TEKKEN, and TEKKEN X Street Fighter, I was a bit skeptical on how things would play out.  CAPCOM and NAMCO are both respectable companies, and both reign over their own fighting-game environment.  But how exactly would a 2D and 3D game clash on […]

Bakuman バクマン Vol. 3 “Debut and Impatience” Review

Posted April 8th, 2011

Mashiro Moritaka and Takagi Akito are hell bent on becoming professional  Manga-ka and not just “gamblers”.  Aiming to get a series serialized in Weekly SHŌNEN JUMP and finally, an anime. Mashiro, is driven by the promise made by his dream girl, Azuki Miho: That once he becomes a successful Manga-ka, and she, a voice actress to […]

Black ★ Rock Shooter OVA Review

Posted April 7th, 2011

Black ★ Rock Shooter was an anime I had begun to see everywhere, but had heard very little to nothing about.  Cool statues such as this popped up all over websites, the cute heroine was shown on many wallpapers, but nothing showing off exactly what it was about. Taking this matter into account, I soon […]

Marvel vs Capcom 3: Hsien-Ko Reveal

Posted January 28th, 2011

Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds is one of my most anticipated games of 2011.  I was really hype with the game after noticing that Dante (My favorite CAPCOM character of my favorite game of all time, Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening) was fighting Dead Pool in a bar on the extended […]

Mortal Kombat: Imminent Failure?

Posted January 27th, 2011

When most people think about “Mortal Kombat“, they think about gruesome game play that pushed video games to their limits with it’s violence, and showed just how much people enjoyed mutilation.  The “Fatality” is easily one of the most memorable moments of gaming history, marked by it’s now common initiating phrase, “Finish Him“. Mortal Kombat […]

Nintendo X CAPCOM: Possible?

Posted January 21st, 2011

(Princess Peach Toadstool and Morrigan Aensland drawn by “Twilit-Arawen” check out his deviantART) For years I’ve been a fan of Nintendo and CAPCOM; they’ve spawned some of the greatest games that has ever seen the face of this earth.  I’ve loved titles from both sounds, each one outlining memories that resonate throughout my childhood.  Some […]