Since I started, I wanted to be able to give my opinions on gaming, anime, and manga. They are definitely the hobbies I love and identify with most, but it is very difficult in trying to turn my hobby into something more if I feel my audience will not pay attention to my content. Part of this reason is changing times and people not caring to read massive walls of text anymore; often people will have no problem watching that same amount of content be explained to them via a video…so that’s the direction I am taking this.
This is my first video into the world of YouTube as a proper “YouTuber”. It covers why I believe Rem is not best girl and goes over things I find people often leave out of the conversation when speaking about why Subaru chose Emilia and not the Demon Maid in Re:Zero. Please check it out for yourself! Leave a like, comment, and subscribe if you like what you see!
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