- http://rnts.challonge.com/RNTS_18
- While you can go directly here to sign-up, please read all the rules, regulations, and join the discord!
The Reaper Nightmare Tournament Series is back! We are holding an ONLINE tournament Thursday, June 25th at 6PM EST! The featured game is BLAZBLUE: CROSS TAG BATTLE!
$100 in PSN codes between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! A random Top 8 finisher (who did not place in the top 3), will be chosen for a PSN code once we reach top 3! We will also give away a code at the end of Grand Finals!
All the information you need to sign-up is here!
PLEASE read through the rules. The link to the Challonge sign-up to get into the actual bracket is under the section labeled “REGISTRATION” under “SIGN-UPS”
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