Gamescom 2018 kicked off, and one of the things I saw that was getting showcased was Devil May Cry 5! For those of you who did not know how hype I was for the official reveal trailer back at E3 2018, I was EXTREMELY excited and was patiently waiting to get more information!
Below you can find the official Press Release for Gamescom 2018, the new trailer (with my impressions), screenshots, and even a release date! Go ahead and let me know how you feel in the comment section if you have something to say about the return of the legendary hack-n-slash action-game series!
IMPRESSIONS — Something I noticed from this trailer is we have enemies that are reminiscent of some of those back from the earlier Devil May Cry series, including those of DMC: Devil May Cry. The scissor carrying demon which reminds me of Arakune from the BlazBlue franchise is reminiscent of the laser spewing demons Mephisto & Faust that we had back in Devil May Cry 4 while the demon carrying the dual cleavers reminds me of Butchers from DMC: Devil May Cry; while they are not 1-for-1 variations, they are similar enough for me to think they are based off of past enemies. I am really hoping that the enemies are designed to provide a challenge within doing any ridiculous mechanics to artificially inflate the difficulty by becoming immune to stagger or becoming enraged and unable to be put into a combo. The bosses seem big and over the top, but I hope they are fun to play against and that destructible environments are a thing.
Nero’s attacks are reminiscent of his previous style, seems as though Red Queen is retaining some of its moves from Devil May Cry 4, such as the spinning slash we see at 0:37 (while not 1-for-1, it does appear to be because the Red Queen was charged). Also, he had a move we saw in the first trailer that slams them with his Devil Breaker arm (also present in this one), though this time in the trailer he body slams them instead…potential upgrade to the move?! Something I am wondering about is the “time stop” move he performed at 45 seconds where a giant gear popped up and the entire screen faded to a light-red hue. Maybe in this game we will see different “styles” for Nero similar to Dante?! I remember that “Quick Silver” allowed Dante to freeze time, or rather, upped his reactions to near lightning speeds (which may as well be the same thing). Dante looks vastly different because his weapon is different from his other series (though he still keeps rebellion, as we see him pose with it for a second), so I am interested in seeing what new skill set and weapons they give him this time around.
Overall, it was a good trailer. I have a lot of hope for this game, especially since it is coming from the people who made Devil May Cry 4. Sure, I may have had a big love/hate relationship with DMC4, but I happened to buy it and take it back to Gamestop no less than 3 times, and I even bought the HD remake which featured Lady and Trish for Xbox One, so obviously I enjoyed it enough to warrant me purchasing it multiple times and getting an itch only it could scratch. Man, I cannot wait! 2019 cannot come quick enough!

Just announced during Microsoft’s Inside Xbox show at Gamescom, Devil May Cry 5 will be releasing on March 8, 2019. The latest title in the iconic gaming series is coming to the Xbox One family of devices including the Xbox One X, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, and Windows PC early next year.
The threat of demonic power has returned to menace the world once again in Devil May Cry 5. The invasion begins when the seeds of a “demon tree” take root in Red Grave City. As this hellish incursion starts to take over the city, a young demon hunter Nero, arrives with his partner Nico in their “Devil May Cry” motorhome. Finding himself without the use of his right arm, Nero enlists Nico, a self-professed weapons artist, to design a variety of unique mechanical Devil Breaker arms to give him extra powers to take on evil demons such as the blood sucking flying Empusa and giant colossus enemy Goliath.
The first arm Nico makes for Nero, the Overture Devil Breaker, looks plain in style allowing Nero to wear it inconspicuously throughout the city, but the hidden electric generator inside is enough to shock any demons that come too close. Adding a bit more versatility, the Gerbera Devil Breaker generates an intense heat that can be shot out as a highly powerful shockwave which can be used as a direct attack, reflect enemy projectiles, or even to propel Nero through the air and augment his evasion capabilities.
Combined with melee attacks using his ‘Red Queen’ sword and the long range firepower of his ‘Blue Rose’ handgun, the power of Nero’s Devil Breaker arms add dramatic adrenaline fueled action to the eternal battle between the forces of good and evil that plays out in the streets of Red Grave City. With the arrival of Dante on his flashy motorbike, the pair of demon hunters are set to try and save the city and find out what’s behind this latest demon invasion.
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