The GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- “TEAM OF 3” Open Beta is here. Get my impressions inside.
Category Archives: Playstation 5
【GGStrive】Season 4 Reveal Trailer

Guilty Gear: Strive Season 4 has been revealed. Get the trailer, my thoughts and opinions, and all the details here!
【GBVSR】Beatrix Gameplay Trailer

We’ve finally been graced with a Beatrix Gameplay trailer for Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising! Get my impressions and the trailer here!
【GBFR】Why I Dropped Id for Seofon

Id has been my main since I first unlocked him in Granblue Fantasy: Relink. However, Seofon has replaced him for some obvious reasons.
【GGST】Slayer Reveal Trailer

During Evolution 2024 (Japan), we were given a trailer for the very first upcoming character of GGST Season 3; Slayer.
【DNF DUEL】Monk Trailer

Monk has been showing for DNF DUEL! Check out his trailer here, my impressions, and see what you’re getting come March 14th!
【2XKO】Project L Finally Gets a Name!

Not only do we finally get a name for “Project L”, we get a release date slated for 2025! Also, there’s the possibility of an at-home playtest later this year!