As someone who doesn’t play the Granblue Fantasy mobile/browser game, I have no idea who the hell this character is. However, a friend of mine, Yomi, was hoping this character brings back her reason to play. Considering the hype behind her and everyone’s wishes, I’m hoping she’ll live up to the hype.
I didn’t know what to expect considering I do not play the game, but the first thing I’m pleased about is her aesthetic and voice. Beatrix is quite the cutie in how she looks, and the little “Heh heh”, she does is adorably mischievous. Beatrix’s personality shows through in her moves, such as shaking her hand in pain after her grab or the playful expression done after her Super Skybound Art KO’s the opponent.
As far as moves goes, no idea if she has multiple dive kicks, but the one shown off in the trailer seems to be plus on block. Beatrix’s Dragon Punch has one leg straight and one out, which is reminiscent to me of Sol’s “Dust Loop”, which Zoey also shares a similarity to with her jump U. We also get a move that goes under Zeta’s projectile attack, reminiscent of I-No’s “Stroke the Big Tree” or Sol’s “Night Raid Vortex”. Definitely going to be annoying if this move is plus on block with any variation considering fireball wars will be riskier now.
Also, she seems to have a time mechanic which slows down opponents; possibly during certain moves or a passive ability. This probably opens up new combo paths and setups, and reminds me muchly of Ekko from 2XKO. I’m sure the combo-maniacs will be creative with this, if it functions as freeform as I’m thinking.

Also, thanks for @ArmoredChef on the official Youtube Trailer, I also know that her Super Skybound Art’s ending is a reference to her 2nd Art of Beatrix’s summer skin.
Definitely looking forward to see what they do with her and if her reception is as well received as all the hype surrounding her was.
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