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The Division’s New “Hijack Extraction” is Completely Idiotic

Posted May 18th, 2016

The Division greeted us with a trailer for their newest update, “1.2: Conflict”.  This trailer told us about all the new features and the new Incursion that is on its way to The Division, and a new feature that they have named, “Hijack Extraction”.  How they have described it is; “Dark Zone extractions just became […]

OVERWATCH: How to play Mei

Posted May 17th, 2016

With OVERWATCH fast approaching, I wanted share all the information I have found out during the beta.  I have a handful of characters (Mei, Reaper, Reinhardt, and Zarya) whom I want to share my strategies to success.  These should aid those who want to utilize these characters and give their teams the best shot at […]

OVERWATCH: Beta Impressions

Posted May 12th, 2016

OVERWATCH is one of the many new endeavors by Blizzard Entertainment, creators of gems like HearthStone: Heroes of Warcraft, World of Warcraft, and Starcraft.  I first heard about OVERWATCH by its beautiful CGI trailer which introduced the first four heroes in a museum for “OVERWATCH” (which is a global defense force).  I was introduced to […]

Gears of War 4 – Dodgeball Should Just Replace Team Death Match

Posted May 6th, 2016

Gears of War 4 is currently on the horizon and will bring a new trilogy to classic Gears of War series.  To ensure a healthy multiplayer experience, a beta was currently held (which I participated in, but not enough to really give it a thorough review).  However, during the final day of the beta I […]

1st Episode Impressions – Persona 4 the Golden ANIMATION

Posted May 4th, 2016

Recently I have completed Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 the Golden on Playstation Vita.  I played this Japanese role-playing game for a couple of reasons: the first being that Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5 was due out sometime this year and that Persona 4 was regarded as one of the greatest games of all-time.  I […]