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Akame ga Kill! Anime Review

Posted February 10th, 2015

Playing catch-up on something is never fun, unless the thing we are talking about just so happens to be an anime.  I have finally watched “Akame ga Kill!“, the newest anime everyone saw fit to go completely bonkers over.  However, is the anime as good as everyone says?  Or was this simply another anime that […]

T5T: Characters I Want for Street Fighter V

Posted January 28th, 2015

Street Fighter V was announced not too long ago, much hype ensued from seeing Ryu and Chun-Li duke it out in the next iteration of the series.  However, with the excitement of a brand new entry into the iconic fighting game series, one also has to ask which veteran characters will make it in for […]

Thorn is My Favorite Weapon in Destiny, but it Needs to be Nerfed

Posted January 15th, 2015

Thorn was a weapon that many cried needed to be buffed after feeling like it provided little to no incentive to be an exotic primary.  Bungie replied back by giving it some buffs that would make it a better weapon, however, I felt like they took things a bit too far…especially when I thought that […]

2015, Year of the Sheep! New Endeavors Await!

Posted January 7th, 2015

The new year is upon us!  2015, year of the sheep!  2014 was a pretty crazy year and I made a lot of progress on this site, a lot more than I have made in any of the years that it was open.  However, I am not going to lie, I slacked tremendously and I […]