Episode 59 of Re:ZERO marks a return from a mid-season hiatus; something that wasn’t very popular with other animated shows like Invincible Season 2 or Castlevania: Nocturne. While I’m very hype for the continuation of the season, I really wish it was all in “One Piece”, but I’ll take what I can get.
The biggest thing about this episode was finding out that there are two different Sin Archbishops of Greed, that Regulus actually did kill Reinhard (if only temporarily), and the Sin Archbishop of Lust shapeshifted to disguise herself and left us on a cliffhanger as she confronted Felix. Overall, it’s an episode which prompted a great return, but also spurns many questions alongside it.
One simply has to wonder how Reinhard can defeat Regulus if he’s able to withstand his attacks to begin with; when fighting the Sin Archbishop of Wrath, he was able to overwhelm and actually kill her while it seems that Regulus is much more durable. During the flashbacks in Season 2, it appears that Reinhard was even able to instantly kill a rampaging Puck with the intent of destroying the world, so having this much trouble for what appears to be the most overpowered character within Re:ZERO is astonishing.
There are two different Sin Archbishops of Greed which seem to have the same appearance; Lye Batenkaitos and Roy Alphard. In fact, two different groups of our protagonists encounter them. No idea if they are simply two souls which are halves of a whole, twins, or are actually two different people sharing an appearance due to the Authority of Greed. I’m simply confused since they do not share a family name yet seem to mimic how the other acts perfectly.
Lust having Dragonblood is insane considering how it effected both Subaru and Crusch-sama. Actually, it turned other characters into all manner of grotesque creatures while seemingly only gave Subaru the effect of having regenerative limbs; but it does give it a rather unsettling appearance. Seeing as how Capella found her way to Felix, she must have taken a particularly liking to Crusch-sama, or simply enjoyed the despair she inflicted. I’m concerned about how things will play out since Crusch is in no position to fight and Felix is more of a medic than an attacker, but we shall see.
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