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RNTS-BBCTB-2 Results

Thursday, July 5th marked the 2nd tournament for THE REAPER NIGHTMARE TOURNAMENT SERIES | 死神の悪夢トーナメントシリーズ for BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle!  24 entrants battled it out to become our champion!

This tournament marks our second in this series and had 6 more people than last time, meaning we happened to grow!  While I realize that the commentary and organization was a bit chaotic, me and the crew of THE REAPER NIGHTMARE TOURNAMENT SERIES | 死神の悪夢トーナメントシリーズ are hoping to get things straightened out by this Thursday (the next time the tournament is planned to take place).  I am glad things went smoothly for the most part besides that, but definitely need to work on a few things.  The competition was fierce, we had some white hot battles, and the results of their clashes lie below!


 Top 8 Matches 





  • 1st place — IzzyXBL
  • 2nd place — DJTMIT
  • 3rd place — PolloSucio
  • 4th place — GravyJammer
  • 5th place tie — Phoenix351, BananaMontanaX
  • 7th place tie — Ricky_Honejasi, haymon919
  • 9th place tie — Ulquiorra2ndS, NamelessQ, ToshiraUchiha, DefinitelyNotRanc
  • 13th place tie — Retro_Bas, Teddy_Brosevelt9, Mind_GamezX, blxcksheep_
  • 17th place tie — REVOLUTION_023, Aeonbage9, Red_Paragon, speedrhino, FunkyPandalover, watt10101, Shokame88, mlito22885


  IMPRESSIONS  — This tournament had a pretty good showing from everyone involved, even if everything was a bit more hectic at the very beginning.  Everyone who entered and made it to our Top 8 seemed to do pretty decently, though it seemed to be more lag between competitors this time around.  Lots of heartbreak came from a few matches with a few key players exiting the stage early, nonetheless I am looking forward to next week!  The hardest part of doing these tournaments is not being able to compete!



  • IzzyXBL won the tournament, never dropping a set and finished on the Winner’s side.  This is retribution for him, considering that he happened to come in 2nd place in RNTS-BBCTB-1, losing to Ulquiorra2ndS in Grand Finals after winning Loser’s Finals against PolloSucio.
  • Ulquiorra2ndS, the returning champion, happened to lose before Top 8 even started.  The champ ended up losing 0-3 to DefinitelyNotRanc in the 2nd round of Winner’s after receiving a bye in the first round.  Ulquiorra then went on to get eliminated 1-3 against blxcksheep_ in the second round of Loser’s.
  • Shokame88, one of my favorite players in this series, ended up getting eliminated without winning a single match.  First losing 3-2 to ToshiraUchiha and then 0-3 against the returning champion Ulquiorra2ndS.
  • PolloSucio came in 3rd place, the very last placing he managed to make in the previous tournament.  Just like last time he happened to lose in the Winner’s Finals and then the Loser’s Finals, back to back.  Shout out to stinky limburger cheese.
  • Teddy_Brosevelt9 fought with the most people within the tournament; Waldstein, Linne, Noel, and others.  His adjustments seemed to work and he ended up losing on a raw DP, definitely the wild card.
  • BananaMontanaX wins best of show for his performance this tournament.  A deadly team of Iron Tager and Noel Vermillion earned him a spot in Top 8 on the Winner’s Side.  Unfortunately he lost 3-1 to IzzyXBL (this tournament’s champion) and then was eliminated by GravyJammer with a score of 0-3.  Main opportunity to work on is his Reversal Action punishes.
  • DefinitelyNotRanc ended up forfeiting his match against GravyJammer due to losing a match against Phoenix351.  Rancid says the lag was unbearable and killed his will to play the rest of the tournament.  This is the second time he has gotten eliminated due to forfeiting, as he did so in the first BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle tournament due to not being able to make it back for his match.
  • DJTMIT is the 2nd place finisher of this tournament and on his very first time competing in this series!  Within the entire tournament he only lost to IzzyXBL, losing 0-3 in the 3rd Round of Winner’s and then losing the runback in Grand Finals with a score of 1-3.  During the entire ordeal, DJTMIT was only able to take one game off of Izzy out of the 7 games they played total; leaving him with a score of 1-6 against our champion.

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About The Author

RoK the Reaper
A serious gamer & hardcore otaku who loves anything gaming, anime, or manga! I hope to bring you the best content for these subjects I love in the form of news, reviews, interviews, and in-depth editorials! さよなら!

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