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Playstation Vita Reviews are Incoming!

Posted November 10th, 2014

The newest gaming system to be added to my collection is none other than Sony’s most recent portable gaming system, the ‘Playstation Vita”.  Given to me for my birthday by one of my dearest friends, I have now been enabled with the ability to review games for the handheld console.  Given the nature of this […]

My View on the Competitive Viability of Smash 4, Judged from the 3DS

Posted November 8th, 2014

While we cannot really hold Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS as the final word on how the competitive scene will fair for Smash 4 – mainly simply because you have more control over how your character responds with the many other options given to the Wii U’s version – it is enough to provide […] Site Update for November 2014

Posted November 7th, 2014 has been very slow as of late, this has to due with a variety of issues that mostly pertain to my addiction with the game “Destiny” by Bungie, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of content I still need to post, and the uncertainty of exactly what and how I should be posting this content. […]