This generation of home consoles has seen fighting game releases on ever major system, including Triple A titles on both Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Sony’s Playstation 3 alike (Marvel vs Capcom 3, TEKKEN Tag Tournament 2, Street Fighter IV, etc.). However, as we begin our descent into the next generation of consoles (Mainly Microsoft’s Xbox […]
Author Archives: RoK the Reaper is BACK! New information and a preview of upcoming articles!
Well, it has been over half a year since “”, my blog-site for all the things I hold dear to me (Anime, Manga, and Video Games), went down because of a failure in my 5-year-old desktop computer. During Black Friday I managed to grab this Windows 8 enabled Hewlett Packard computer for a pretty good […]
I’M NOT DEAD! Why has been on hiatus.
First off, I want to apologize for my recent hiatus and want to explain why I have been gone. My computer of about six years has finally decided to kick the bucket and I will be needing a new one. For the meanwhile, I will not be posting anything and you will be getting no […]
Phantom Breaker ファントムブレイカー was one of the games that I was personally looking forward to, but the release was cancelled in North America. However, it would appear that a side-scroller “Beat em’ up” game by the name “PHANTOM BREAKER: BATTLE GROUNDS -Cocoa’s Nightmare Attack-” was going to debut in its stead as a spin-off of […]
Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel Demo Review
Army of Two is a franchise I have always been interested in since Gears of Wars got me into third person shooters. I liked the thought of two people vs the world and the ability to have each others back. When the first game came I was fresh with my Xbox and had no one […]
Jerk-It Jenni’s [mostflogged] Hentai Reviews Analysis. Good or Bad?
Fakku made a post about a “Good friend of theirs” named “mostflogged” who started a hentai review YouTube series named “jerk-it jenni’s Hentai Review”. The plan is to start a weekly entry discussing a seijin manga or doujinshi and giving it a thorough review. The masses reaction was a positive one and she gained much […]
RWBY “White” Trailer Analysis & Impressions
Monty Oum (Creator of Haloid, Master Chief vs Samus Aran and the Dead Fantasy Series) along with ROOSTER TEETH premiered their new collaborative series “RWBY” with the Red Trailer (Read my analysis HERE). After the trailer I was pretty hype and awaiting the arrival of the White Trailer, and it has been released! In this […]