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Top 5 Tuesday | Favorite River City Girls Vocal Tracks

River City Girls is a beat em’ up game that has recently come out, and while it suffers from some obvious shortcomings (as read about in my review), I still find it an incredibly fun game.  It was obvious that a lot of love poured into the game with tributes to previous River City Ransom games.  Though, one thing that stood out majorly was the game’s original soundtrack.

River City Girls OST is not typical of a beat em’ up game, however, it was completely well done regardless of whether-or-not I thought it fit such a title.  It had amazing soundtracks starting from the very beginning, with “Bully” catching me off guard as the first vocal song introduced within the game.

I want to list my favorite songs that I got to experience during my couple playthroughs of River City Girls, and funny enough, I am listening to it right now as I finish up this article. 


“Top 5 Tuesday” is a series that focuses on my top five anything on a given subject that is directly related to gaming, anime, or manga.

 #5 — Can’t Quit the River City Girls 

 #4 — Watch Your Back 

 #3 — Bully 

 #2 — Rich 

 #1 — Boss Noize 

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About The Author

RoK the Reaper
A serious gamer & hardcore otaku who loves anything gaming, anime, or manga! I hope to bring you the best content for these subjects I love in the form of news, reviews, interviews, and in-depth editorials! さよなら!

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