I remember when writing about YU-NO when the character trailer was released (the news article is here), but I had no idea it was this close to releasing! Sorry I will not be able to review it for you guys, but at least you get to see my impressions on their launch trailer!
I have embedded the trailer below for everyone to watch, I’ll have my impressions afterwards. Also, it should be noted that there are a few things available for the Nintendo Day 1 Edition, Playstation 4 Day 1 Edition, and Steam first week bonus that I will detail at the end of this article! ♥
One thing I immediately love is the music, very infectious right from the beginning. The overall aesthetic is very appealing to me, so I am happy with the presentation at least (they even seem to have anime cutscenes).
This game appears to be about a girl named Yu-no, wanting to solve the mystery left behind by her father. Something about his research tells me he has developed a means to travel through time, and it seems that will play quite heavily into the story.
To be honest, this looks decent enough. I am not super savvy when it comes to Visual Novels, but I have liked the ones I have beaten within the past (Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly for example). Looks interesting enough to me, I might have to pick it up!

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