Here on I try my best to give you truly in-depth articles pertaining to the subjects I love the most. However, I have found that while everyone may appreciate detailed reviews, constant news is what continues to bring people back to sites and fill their needs to stay informed with the latest information. I want to be able to mix these in with my normally detailed and serious views to maximize viewership and to give those who await posts from me something to look forward to on a daily basis.
I know that me announcing news does bring up the concern about “Hey, if you are going to be posting news, you are going to be just like those other sites! You are not going to be unique at all!” That is not true. Unlike most news sites that post only news and things from other people and sources, I will still be posting my own reviews and editorial work, and I will be only posting about games, anime, and manga that I feel are relevant towards everyone’s interest. Needless to say I will not be trying to throw out anything that appears like junk, whether-or-not it is news in any of the industries that I am covering.
With that, I hope you spread the word around about and keep your eyes peeled about developments that are coming soon. Please make sure that you also visit the facebook page, and make sure that you follow the twitter account as well.
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