RoK the Reaper’s impressions of the Closed Beta held for the upcoming Arc System Works/Cygames fighting game, Granblue Fantasy Versus!
Category Archives: May 2019
Sapphire | Interview with a Cover Singing Star

Sapphire, an amazing singer who specializes in anime and manga covers, has graced me with an interview!
Death Stranding | Release Date Reveal Trailer

Death Stranding finally gets a release date, a new trailer, and I give my impressions over what we see!
One Punch Man Season 2 | Episode 8 Impressions

RoK the Reaper gives his impressions over the 8th episode of One Punch Man Season 2!
Lapis x Labyrinth | Game Review

Lapis x Labyrinth is a fast-paced action RPG that has crazy action with an abundant amount of treasure! Check out RoK the Reaper’s take on it!
Top 5 Tuesday | Games I Want to Finish (2019)

RoK the Reaper lists the top 5 games that he still needs to beat in 2019!
Ace of Diamond act II | Episode 9 Impressions

RoK the Reaper gives his impressions over Ace of Diamond act II’s 9th Episode!