Viz Media seems to be launching a bold new initiative with their up coming move. It seems they will be introducing “Neon Alley”, a free streaming archetype for anime, to be debuted on the popular application Hulu as well as Hulu Plus. In addition to this, Neon Alley is set to become the new home […]
Author Archives: RoK the Reaper
Adding News for Gaming, Anime, and Manga to the Line-Up.
Here is a very important announcement that is sure to shake things up quite a bit on; I am going to be adding news for gaming, anime, and manga to the line-up! What do I mean by that? Allow me to explain. Here on I try my best to give you truly in-depth […]
Outbreak Company Anime Review
Well, it came that usual time where me and my friend Rasean were looking for another anime we could watch together on Xbox Live in between our bouts of fighting game madness. After trying out several series, we decided on Outbreak Company because the first episode was pretty humorous and delightful, it was promising and made […]
T5T: Characters I Want in Super Smash Bros. Wii-U & 3DS
Top 5 Tuesdays is an article series that focuses on my “top five” anything on a given subject of my choosing that pertains to either gaming, anime, or manga. With the announcement that there is going to be another Super Smash Bros. game for the Nintendo Wii-U, many people were excited and skeptical (Talk about […]
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! (WataMote) Anime Review
What happens when you zero in on the life of a lonely, unpopular high school girl who desperately wants nothing more than to be one of the “cool kids”, actually having a boyfriend, and living her school days to its fullest? You get the life of Kuroki Tomoko! Ever thought of yourself as being excluded […]
Kyoukai no Kanata (Beyond the Boundary) Anime Review
While at work with my co-worker whom I normally watch anime with, we were in desperate need of a new series to occupy the hole that Shingeki no Kyojin left, and on Crunchyroll we found a series that seemed pretty all right named “Beyond the Boundary“. From first glance, the artwork seemed really cool (It […]
New Year, New Ambitions and Goals.
2013 was probably one of my most unproductive years simply because of my computer going down, though at the same time I also did not take it nearly as seriously as I needed to in order to advance my name and get more offers from people who have browsed across my site, I also did […]