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TEKKEN Tag Tournament 2 Review

Posted September 26th, 2012

Back in the Playstation 2 days, TEKKEN Tag Tournament was one of my favorite fighting games and was the best TEKKEN game EVER in my opinion.   Since the initial release of TEKKEN Tag Tournament  the series has gotten more sequels, more characters,  new game play mechanics, and now they are all put together in […]

Resident Evil 6: Public Demo Review

Posted September 19th, 2012

Everyone knows that I am a fan of the old school Resident Evil games; specifically 1, 2, 3(Nemesis!), and Code Veronica.  I liked the cliche scenarios that those games offered. However, the new Resident Evil games, which actually not changing much in terms of game play, never thrilled me with their plot.  Though, I might […]

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3: Xbox 360 Console Game Review

Posted November 17th, 2011

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3‘s announcement came as no surprise from CAPCOM, seeing as how they came out with multiple versions for the Street Fighter IV series. The original Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds debuted back on February 15th, 2011, we now have the Ultimate version of the game on November 15th […]

Battlefield 3: Xbox 360 Console Game Review

Posted October 28th, 2011

Battlefield 3 is what EA/DICE promises will change the face of shooters forever.  Huge maps and insane vehicular warfare all running on its new “Frostbite 2” engine. As a result of all the awards it was winning and all the footage showed, I was excited.  I soon played the “beta” on Xbox 360 and hopes […]

Real Steel: Xbox Live Arcade Game Review

Posted October 22nd, 2011

Real Steel was a very awesome movie.  I’m not one to see movies much, but the trailers caught my interest.  After watching it I fell in love, especially because I love boxing (the anime “Hajime no Ippo” helped tremendously).  I was hyped as soon as I found out there would be an XBLA game. Getting […]

Bejeweled 3: Xbox Live Arcade Game Review

Posted October 21st, 2011

Bejweled is a puzzle sensation that everyone has heard of, with games being able to be played across all platforms as well as practical social networking sites like FaceBook. Bejeweled 3 is the third installment and plans to take it a step further.  Being relatively new to the series, I am going to be sure […]