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【SF6】Mai Shiranui Gameplay Trailer Impressions

Like most people, I was quite surprised when both Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui of FATAL FURY were announced. This is mainly because Street Fighter was never an IP to bring in guest characters, and another team-up with SNK seemed regulated to the days of CAPCOM VS SNK. I seen split opinions over their inclusion; on one hand, people were happy because of the characters in question running on Street Fighter 6‘s engine and mechanics, and the other hand had people saying, “These are wasted slots that could have been used for actual Street Fighter characters who haven’t made it in yet”. I get what both sides are saying as a fan of the FATAL FURY series, and as someone who is still waiting on Makoto in all her Shotokan Karate glory.

The official trailer for Mai Shiranui’s gameplay has arrived, finally giving us what the teaser trailer on December 5th of last year promised us. I’m excited to see what this holds, so let’s watch it and then get my opinions afterwards.



The first thing I notice when the trailer begins is the costume from SNK’s up-and-coming FATAL FURY: City of the Wolves, which makes since as Terry is sporting his Garou costume. It is shown off in segments, but we thankfully get to see her classic (and in my opinion superior) look for much of the trailer.

The second thing I notice, and one of the most proficient, are the fire effects for Mai’s fighting style. One thing I’ve always thought about regarding SNK is that they have heart, but are seemingly always behind CAPCOM when it comes to things like effects, design, and presentation. The only time I legitimately believed that SNK rivaled CAPCOM was during their King of Fighters XIII run, but the sprite development nearly bankrupted SNK and CAPCOM had already fully embraced 2.5D with Street Fighter IV. Even with the upgrade of KOF XIV to The King of Fighters XV, I’ve repeatedly said that their effects for moves were lackluster on every trailer that released in hopes of seeing some improvement before the official release. Yes, I believe SNK is getting better at this since FATAL FURY: City of the Wolves looks phenomenal, but it is still not on par with what we see from Street Fighter VI. I believe that CAPCOM’s effects fits within the aesthetics of everything really well, and City of the Wolves could benefit for more simplicity. However, let’s get back to this trailer.

The personality that Mai shows off is one of playfulness; not so much sexy, but I think that fits her personality. The ending quote is the only thing that could be taken as having a somewhat sexual connotation in regards to the player. From what I’ve seen from the anime and other material; Mai isn’t someone who dives into her sex appeal beyond the revealing outfit and big breasts she’s known for. I like the English VA, thinking she does a wonderful job as the role.

Her aesthetic seems to be a bit different from the teaser trailer, with CAPCOM fine-tuning a few things so that she looks cuter. To me, this is the same type of feedback implementation which upgraded Cammy White’s look back in Street Fighter V.

While I’ve always thought of Mai as a favorite SNK character, mainly because of the anime I watched from Masami Obari, I’ve never been one to play with her. There are a few moves I’ve always really liked for; such as “Super Deadly Ninja Bees” (Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi) and her “Dance of the Flying Squirrel” (Musasabi no Mai). Street Fighter VI has made her fighting style way more appealing to me. Part of it is the fire effects, but another piece of it are small things I haven’t seen in SNK games; such as Mai’s fan being a 2-Part attack if you EX it. Also how they’ve made sure the fan from her Kachousen move is still on screen after it hits an opponent’s guard; while I still prefer how the fan used to close in KOF XIII & XIV, it’s better than the fan completely disappearing on guard or hit like in KOF XV & City of the Wolves.

The combos she has in Street Fighter VI aren’t too different from what we normally see, even in the trailer for City of the Wolves. However, the effects and aesthetic makes it very pleasing to the eye; which is very different from her other iterations. While I do love the character, it’s mostly a sense of nostalgia from the Fatal Fury anime. The character to me has always been very awkward to pilot and watch, but I believe CAPCOM is rectifying it for people like me so that Ms. Shiranui looks appealing to both watch and play. Create a spectacle with your moves, and you’ll have a character that is enjoyable.

The only thing I didn’t really like is her Level 3, which isn’t really a surprise. I haven’t liked Mai’s Neo Max or Super Desperation Moves in ANY of the games she has ever been in; from the aesthetically pleasing The King of Fighters XIII, to the most recent King of Fighters XV, to the up-and-coming Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves. Hell, you can now add Street Fighter VI and even Dead or Alive 6 to that list now. The only thing I’m holding out hope for is her Critical Art, which will be a slight variation of her Level 3 like everyone else’s; I actually disliked Terry’s Critical Art but loved his regular Level 3. I’m hoping for Mai, I’ll get an inverse on my reaction.

Overall, I believe that Mai Shiranui is an excellent addition thus far to Street Fighter VI and that CAPCOM has did a wonderful job breathing life into this iteration. The homage they’ve paid to this character in her aesthetics, cosmetics, and personality shows a true appreciation to what SNK has crafted as their flagship female character. I am hoping that this eventually leads into a CAPCOM VS SNK 3; but that’s wishful thinking. I for one cannot wait for Mai’s inclusion, and this gameplay trailer should put to rest any skeptics.

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About The Author

RoK the Reaper
A serious gamer & hardcore otaku who loves anything gaming, anime, or manga! I hope to bring you the best content for these subjects I love in the form of news, reviews, interviews, and in-depth editorials! さよなら!

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