After a long time, RoK the Reaper finally sees Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero and gives it a review!
Tag: featured
【GBFR】Why I Dropped Id for Seofon
Id has been my main since I first unlocked him in Granblue Fantasy: Relink. However, Seofon has replaced him for some obvious reasons.
【GGST】Slayer Reveal Trailer
During Evolution 2024 (Japan), we were given a trailer for the very first upcoming character of GGST Season 3; Slayer.
【Elden Ring】Sellen’s Questline Broke My Heart
Sorceress Sellen, an NPC in Elden Ring, was one of my favorites. Her Questline however, broke my heart.
Rise of the VTuber
VTubing is insanely popular, but why? Let’s have a look at what a VTuber is and why they are on the rise!
【KOFXV】Ángel Character Trailer
Angel is the latest character from The King of Fighters XV to receive a trailer! She’s back!
【CrunchyRoll】My Thoughts on the New UI
Crunchyroll is rolling out a new UI to users on June 15th. I take a look at the beta which shows it, giving my impressions on what I find.
【Dr. Kentaro Miura】Berserk Mangaka Dead
Dr. Kentaro Miura, the author of “Berserk”, has died.
【ShinKensou】Interview with a Fighting Game Professor
![]( managed to catch up with ShinKensou and ask a few questions; about his origin, his thoughts on Guilty Gear, and his focus going forward.
We Need a “Super” Dragon Ball FighterZ
With Season 3 being the rumored end of Dragon Ball FighterZ; cannot help but think that we definitely need a new version of the game.