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The King of Fighters XIV Teaser Trailer and My Impressions

Posted September 18th, 2015

The King of Fighters XIII made us all marvel at how beautiful sprites could be in high definition, surpassing even the quality of Arc System Works’ BlazBlue series.  I still remember reading in the past that SNK Playmore said that they would eventually be going the same route that the Street Fighter series had gone, and that is […]

Karin Kanzuki Revealed for Street Fighter V, My Thoughts on her Trailer

Posted September 17th, 2015

Karin Kanzuki, a combatant that was first introduced within the Street Fighter Alpha series and Sakura Kasugano’s main rival within the Street Fighter Legends: Sakura comics, she graces us once again as a returning veteran in Street Fighter V.  This character is the very definition of a “Ojou-sama”, being fancy, rich, and believing she is better than […]

Destiny: My Impressions of Year One

Posted September 16th, 2015

Now that we are officially within the second year of Destiny, we can look back on “Year One” and remember how we got to this point.  Glancing back at the memories that I hold, I can see triumphant and disappointment, satisfaction and frustration, and numerous times that I loved and hated the game. I want […] Site Update for September 2015

Posted September 2nd, 2015

Been a good, long while but I am finally back!  This update will talk about why my hiatus was so long, the reason I am back, and my plans for the site now that I am back!  I am happy and excited for this new future I am about to embrace at!  Go ahead […]